Thursday, July 14, 2011

The First Great Adventure

I must apologize for not posting. I've been experiencing a surplus of sloth like qualities in myself. I'll try and not leave such a long gap between posts again.

Portland is Oregon's slum! It's a great city with lots to do it just looks sad most of the time. I love to visit, but I have very little desire to live in that area. Well Gabe, Matt, Leeann, Yoni and I decided in Gabe's and Yoni's last week we should do something fun and exciting, so I decided to plan a trip to Portland and so some sightseeing! 

 I ended up with very few pictures of this trip........cough ....cough Gabe...ha We first went to Voodoo doughnuts, but discovered that it was closed : /, So alas I'm virginal to the taste of their artery clogging foods. To fill the time we were supposed to spend eating doughnuts and slowly killing ourselves we went shopping!

That sounds exciting, but it ended up me just buying underwear and Gabe buying a few things. We enjoyed walking downtown and being harassed by a Hobo calling us little S%^&s. He then asked for money from us (not a convincing man). We trailed through the city some more and decided it was time for us to move on to our next destination.
Rocky Butte in Portland is an awesome view point of the city and surrounding area. It's my favorite place to go in Portland and enjoy the city without feeling like you're in the city. We left downtown and headed to the bridge that our directions designated we should take; however, the bridge had maintenance being done and made it easy for all of us to be confused and get lost which we did. We ventured through the city for a while till we recognized a sign and eventually made it back on track!
Once we made it to the Butte I think our group was rather unimpressed with the simplicity of it, but I didn't care that part of the trip was for me! ; ) We talked and walked around for about thirty minutes enjoying the views and wishing we had decided to have a picnic up there. After taking another picture I don't have now we headed to lunch.

I needed gas on that ride so we decided to pull in at a station. This was one of thee worst experiences and displays off driving I've ever lived through. People were coming in at every direction to get gas snagging places and hogging pumps. Eventually a kind lady made it easy for us to fill up, but it truly was a cluster f*&#. Lunch was at a Taco Bell which was oddly better priced than any in my town. On our way to lunch we were all concentrated on finding street signs I ran a red light.......... I almost crapped myself. (The next hour I was mentally punishing myself over this)

On the road to Multnomah Falls we sang and missed the first waterfall we had planned on playing in. We made it to Multnomah and talked awhile about climbing them. I wasn't against the climb, but I knew it wouldn't be easy. Getting to the bridge to view the falls we finalized our choice to ascend the falls.
Our climb was long, but more fun than I had thought it would be.
The top of the falls was a beautiful view.
The descent was a lot quicker and less fun in my opinion. We lost sight of the girls for awhile, but when you're on a trail that really only has one exit you know they would appear eventually.
After deciding that going to another waterfall didn't sound like an exciting idea we headed to IKEA!
Ikea is a huge store that is a lot of fun to get lost in.

 We made our own path through the store, but saw almost everything. We also decide to rest after soooooo much climbing.
The whole trip winded down after this. We forgot to try and make it to the other Voodoo Doughnuts and the weather went bad, so we called it a night and came home!